lill street — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


lill street

recent works in clay...

ClayAnne Leuck3 Comments

I continue to take Corinne Peterson's "Dreams, Myths & Pillars" class at Lill Street, it's a form of therapy for me - and her class is always filled with the most interesting and genuine souls. The piece at the top is about as close to a pillar as I will probably get, there is a 3rd component that the top 2 pieces will stand on. Photo coming soon, once it's all glazed. The  other 2 pieces, tiles that I carved, the middle glazed with white and the bottom one still wet, with slip that I carved directly on. Love this carving process. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, it was a sunny day in Chicago with lots of people out and about, and popping into the studio. I worked on commissions, most of the day.

Growing Trucks...

ClayAnne Leuck5 Comments

Picture 1

Picture 4

Picture 5 My goal is to continuously make the next one bigger than the last, until our spring session ends in late May. These will, hopefully, soon be growing things in their beds...stay tuned to see them evolve and for more info about the "Women in Grains Show" in July.

Tall dog...

ClayAnne LeuckComment

Picture 34

Picture 31 

Picture 42 My most recent work at Lill Street...Hope this pup is still intact when I unwrap it tomorrow. I have been known to be a little too careless when it comes to clay appendages, but as my wise classmate, Haleh, commented "it really is about the process not the end product".